„Let´s find an effective way to treat refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest“
Dear friends and colleagues,
extracorporeal life support therapies have attracted a lot of attention in past couple years. COVID-19 is over and we turned back to „usual indications“. Refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (r-OHCA) being definitely one of them. Efforts to decrease high mortality in r-OHCA victims still remain unachieved.
In past 2 years, a lot of evidence has been generated in the area of ECPR (exctracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Three RCTs and several systematic reviews and metaanalyses were published. While evidence still remained controversial, ECPR becomes to be adopted as a standard of care. Still, unanswered question remain:
Should every institution/hospital provide ECPR service for IHCA (in hospital cardiac arrest)?
Should ECPR service for OHCA be provided routinely?
Should ECPR for OHCA be provided in hospital, or should patients be cannulated on site?
Should helicopter (HEMS) be involved? Who should be the cannulating person?
Should it be the cardiologists, intensivists or surgeons?
Did the current trials provide enough evidence? Should further trials follow?
An extreme success of the 2022 edition of the „Prague ECPR School“ assured us to organize a 2023 meeting as well. All above and many other topics will be covered in Prague, Oct 18-20, 2023.
We invite you cordially to attend the meeting and share experiences, visions and plans together.
Jan Bělohlávek
| Marcel van de Poll
| Demetris Yannopoulos